วันจันทร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Sunday - 26.August.2007

One of my bestfriend, Ben, came to slept over my house last night. On Sunday morning, we came to church together. Actually, Ben do not come to the same church with me, because his dad is a pastor at another church. But Yesterday was special. Ben is a proffessional drummer. He came to help play drum at my church yesterday in the praise band with me. He was playing drum and I am playing the guitar. In the afternoon, we went to have lunch together at the Mall department store. We decided to go for the Shabushi Restuarant. It is a japanese buffet restuarant. There are sushi, shabu shabu, ice cream, drinks and a lot more that you can choose. It is only 199 baht per person (not including VAT). We spent about one hour and a half there. When we came out of the restuarant, our stomach were stuffed with food. Actually, it feels bad rather than good after eating that much. After the meal, we went to join the rest of our friends to go for a movie together. The movie we planned to watch at first was the Rush Hour 3, but the showtime of the movie was not suitable for us, so we decided to go for the Bourne Ultimate instead. The movie started at five o'clock and ended about half past seven. The movie was great. We all enjoyed the movie very much. Then we separated.

Ben came with me to sleep over my house. There is a special football match last night which we watch together. It was Manchester United Football Club versus the Tottenham Hotspurs. Both of us cheers for the Manchest United. Because the club didn't start the season that good, having only two points from three matches, so we were looking for the first victory in the season. The match was played at the Old Trafford stadium, the Manchester United's stadium. The match started at ten pm. The football match was very fun and exciting throughout the match. Both the team played well. Then, about the seventy something minutes, we shouted really loud. It was a goal! The ball went pass the goal keeper into the net beautifully! Manchester United one, Tottenhamhotspurs zero. The goal was by Nani, the new player of the club that had transferred during the off-season. The goal was really amazing. Manchester United had manged to keep the leading score until the refferree blows the whistle. Manchester United got it's first victory of the season at Old Trafford, against the Tottenham Hotspurs.

After the football match had finished, we were hungry again. We went out to find something to eat at the front of the village, in the minimart. We got some snacks and a VCD. It's a thai movie. We came back home and ordered McDonald to eat, because the snacks weren't enough to fill our stomach. Half an hour later, the McDonald arrived. We watch the VCD we bought and had our meal together. It was great. By then, we were ready to sleep. We went up the stairs and took a shower and the go straight to sleep.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Thursday 23.08.2007

This week is the week of quiz and exams. There is an English II quiz on Tuesday about the 'American Crime Stories'. On Wednesday, there was an 'introduction to economics quiz'. And today, I have to take the English II oral exam. I think I did quite well on those quiz. I am relieved after all of them had past.

I woke up at nine o'clock today. Normally, I will wake up not later than seven o'clock, but today I have only one subject to study. That is English for law II. I planned to go for the make-up class at eleven o'clock, but there is an oral exam today, so I have to go for the normal one. I reached the University at almost eleven o'clock. I appoint to meet Kanit, Anurach and Anawin skywalker at the front of the 'S' building. Everyone is present, except for Kanit. I called him, and he said that he is not coming for today's lesson, because he is sick. After knowing that there is an oral exam, we came down and go to find something to eat. After the meal, Anawin skywalker went to Siam Paragon with his girlfriend, leaving me and Anurachbehind. (what a good buudy) The is about an hour left before the class begins, so we decided to go and play game. At two o'clock in the afternoon, it is time for class. We went up to the classroom and wait for our turn to take the oral exam. After the oral exam, we were hungry again. We came down the 'S' buidling and got something to eat and depart.

I arrived home around four o'clock. Every Thursday, my church have a 'cell group', where the churh member comes to church and divide into groups and spend time reading the bible and pray together. My group's name is the 'Apostle' group. The group members are mostly teenagers. There are about ten people in my group. The cell group will start at six thirty.

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Monday - 20/08/2007

It is Monday again. Why is time running so fast? I remembered studying the Criminal law I last week. It feels like the lesson had just passed yesterday. I didn't want to wake up early today. However, I have to. The Criminal Law I class starts at eight o'clock. I must force myself to get my body out of the bed. It seems to be impossible at the beginning, but after ten minutes of moving around on the bed, I was sitting at the on my bed. I stood up and started walking to the bathroom and got myself organized. It was seven o'clock at that moment. I had a little bit more time left, so I decided to eat the breakfast that my aunt prepared before I left my house. Usually, my mom will drop me off at the university in the morning or I will catch a taxi and come on my own. Today was a little special. My dad said that he will give me a ride the the university.

It was 7.50 am when I arrived at ABAC. my dad dropped me of the 7-11 next to the university. I went inside the minimart and bought a bottle of milk. I walked to the C building and drink my milk on the way. As soon as I reach the C building, I finished the bottle. I was the first one to reach the room C 33. There were no one in the room when I reached there. Five minutes later, my mobile phone alerted. It was Anurach that called me and asked where was I at the moment. I told him that the teacher is now checking the attendance. He was surprised to hear that and as a result, he ran up the stairways so that the teacher wouldn't check him as late. When he arrived, there was only me in the room. His face was funny at that time. The teacher came into the class at 8.30 am. He apologized for being late, then started the lecture. The lesson was very boring. After finishing the lesson, my friends and I decided to go for the make up class for english for law II class at eleven o'clock. The english class finished around lunch time, when we were all hungry again. We ate lunch together and went home when we finished.

Right now, I am learning to drive. I have a driving class every monday afternoon. I have a plan to go to take the driving license test next month, when I am eighteen. The driving class was fun. I am getting used to driving now. I cannot wait until next month. After class, I went to the The Mall department store to buy something for dinner. My mom went to the supermarket and bought a lot of foods and cooking materials. Then we drive home.

After getting all my homework done, I revised a little and decided to take a rest. Then I came into the living room and turn on the computer and relaxed. Overall, today was another good day that I had. Thank God!

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Mother's Day [12 August 2007]

On Saturday the 11th of August 2007, I went to the THE MALL department store to get something for my mom. I wanted to buy something as a present for her on mother's day. I walked around the department store, but I still couldn't find something that I was looking for. So I decided to look in the PLAZA ZONE instead. After wandering around for sometimes, there is something that caught my attention. It was the jasmine tree. Thai people use the jasmine flower as a symbol of the mother's day. I stopped by the flower shop and looked at the tree. I decided to buy it. I bought the jasmine tree and the flowerpot at the price of 300 baht. It was more expensive than I thought it was going to be. After getting the plant, I feel that the plant alone was not enought, so I went into the SUPERMARKET and bought one pack of the bird's nest beverage. I went back to the department zone to get the mother's day card for her too. By three o'clock in the afternoon, everything was ready.

At midnight, I went to my parent's room with the presents and the card in my hand. My mom was very surprised. She was very gald. I hugged her and said happy mother's day to her. The moment was filled with happiness. Then I said good night and went back to my room.

On Sunday morning, my family went to church as usual. After all the services was done, my family went out to have lunch together as a celebration of the mother's day. We went to the restuarant 'Ruan Ros'. It's a Thai restuarant. The food was good as usual, but because of the joyful atmosphere, the food tasted better than it used to be. Then we came back home and get ready to go to Prachinburi. We are going there to greet my grandmother, my dad's mother. She got the Mother of the province award this year, so we are going there to join the celebration with the rest of my dad's brothers and sisters. There are ten of them including my dad. The celebration party was very fun. Everyone in the family is back to see each other again. We helped each other prepare the dinner. When the dinner was ready, we eat dinner together. The party was great. I am sure that everyone had enjoyed it. Then when the party was over, most of the cousins decided to stay over at my grandmother's house that night. At first my family was going to do that too, but because I have an eight o'clock class on Monday morning, we didn't spend the night there. It took us about one and a half of an hour on the way back to Bangkok, our home.

We reached our destination at two o'clock in the morning on Monday. I quickly took a shower and then sleep. I feel asleep as soon as my head reached my pillow. I enjoy the day very much. I hope everyone does too.

Happy Mother's Day.

วันอังคารที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Tuesday - 07.08.2007

Yesterday was a very good day for me. The morning 'criminal law' class have been cancelled. However, my friends and I didn't know, so we came to the university as usual. After knowing that the class is cancelled, we came down to get something to eat. As we finished our breakfast, it was 10.50 am. We decided to go for the make-up class with A.Jaser at 11 o'clock, so that we came go home a little bit earlier than normal.

When I arrived home, I was very surprised to see my old friend sitting in the living room. His name is Ben. One thing that is very funny about me and him is that we have the same real name, 'Mahaporn'. And we are best friends. We used to study together during grade 1 to grade 6, then he left Thailand and went to study at the United States of America. I found that he had just came back for two days. After we had a very long chat, we decided to go out to play basketball together. It was really fun yesterday, playing basketball with an old friend. We finished playing at 9.00 pm. After taking a shower and getting dressed, we went out to get something to eat. We had our dinner at the food center that located opposite to my viallge.The food was good as usual, but having an old friend eating together increased the pleasure of eating. The it is the time for departure. His mom called him home.

I arrived home at 10.30 pm. I watched TV and went to sleep.

Today I woke up very early in the morning because my dad have to go to the court. He said that he would like to drive me to the university. After I got myself organized, I came downstairs to wait for my dad. While waiting, I got myself something to eat for breakfast. As soon as I finished my meal, my dad came down and we are ready to go. He dropped me off at the University. arrived a little bit earlier than the usual. The class starts at 9 o'clock. I have a little more time left, so I went to see my friend at the 'P' building. When it is almost the time for the class to start, I went up the 'C' building to attend the lecture. At the door of the room C42, There is a note written, 'CLASS CANCELLED'! My friends and I were shocked to see that. What is the point of waking up and coming to the university then? But that's no problem. We went to eat breakfast in stead. On the way to the food shop, I found that there is a legal book fair infront of the 'C' building. I bought the ciminal 1 textbook from them.

Today I went to the make up class at 11 o'clock with A.jasper again. Today we have to write an essay on a news paper article. After class, when I was on my way to catch a taxi home, my dad called into my cell-phone. He called to tell me that he is coming to pick me up because he had finished his work at the court and was gpoing to take me to out to lunch. The meal was very good.