วันอังคารที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Tuesday - 07.08.2007

Yesterday was a very good day for me. The morning 'criminal law' class have been cancelled. However, my friends and I didn't know, so we came to the university as usual. After knowing that the class is cancelled, we came down to get something to eat. As we finished our breakfast, it was 10.50 am. We decided to go for the make-up class with A.Jaser at 11 o'clock, so that we came go home a little bit earlier than normal.

When I arrived home, I was very surprised to see my old friend sitting in the living room. His name is Ben. One thing that is very funny about me and him is that we have the same real name, 'Mahaporn'. And we are best friends. We used to study together during grade 1 to grade 6, then he left Thailand and went to study at the United States of America. I found that he had just came back for two days. After we had a very long chat, we decided to go out to play basketball together. It was really fun yesterday, playing basketball with an old friend. We finished playing at 9.00 pm. After taking a shower and getting dressed, we went out to get something to eat. We had our dinner at the food center that located opposite to my viallge.The food was good as usual, but having an old friend eating together increased the pleasure of eating. The it is the time for departure. His mom called him home.

I arrived home at 10.30 pm. I watched TV and went to sleep.

Today I woke up very early in the morning because my dad have to go to the court. He said that he would like to drive me to the university. After I got myself organized, I came downstairs to wait for my dad. While waiting, I got myself something to eat for breakfast. As soon as I finished my meal, my dad came down and we are ready to go. He dropped me off at the University. arrived a little bit earlier than the usual. The class starts at 9 o'clock. I have a little more time left, so I went to see my friend at the 'P' building. When it is almost the time for the class to start, I went up the 'C' building to attend the lecture. At the door of the room C42, There is a note written, 'CLASS CANCELLED'! My friends and I were shocked to see that. What is the point of waking up and coming to the university then? But that's no problem. We went to eat breakfast in stead. On the way to the food shop, I found that there is a legal book fair infront of the 'C' building. I bought the ciminal 1 textbook from them.

Today I went to the make up class at 11 o'clock with A.jasper again. Today we have to write an essay on a news paper article. After class, when I was on my way to catch a taxi home, my dad called into my cell-phone. He called to tell me that he is coming to pick me up because he had finished his work at the court and was gpoing to take me to out to lunch. The meal was very good.
