วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Thursday 23.08.2007

This week is the week of quiz and exams. There is an English II quiz on Tuesday about the 'American Crime Stories'. On Wednesday, there was an 'introduction to economics quiz'. And today, I have to take the English II oral exam. I think I did quite well on those quiz. I am relieved after all of them had past.

I woke up at nine o'clock today. Normally, I will wake up not later than seven o'clock, but today I have only one subject to study. That is English for law II. I planned to go for the make-up class at eleven o'clock, but there is an oral exam today, so I have to go for the normal one. I reached the University at almost eleven o'clock. I appoint to meet Kanit, Anurach and Anawin skywalker at the front of the 'S' building. Everyone is present, except for Kanit. I called him, and he said that he is not coming for today's lesson, because he is sick. After knowing that there is an oral exam, we came down and go to find something to eat. After the meal, Anawin skywalker went to Siam Paragon with his girlfriend, leaving me and Anurachbehind. (what a good buudy) The is about an hour left before the class begins, so we decided to go and play game. At two o'clock in the afternoon, it is time for class. We went up to the classroom and wait for our turn to take the oral exam. After the oral exam, we were hungry again. We came down the 'S' buidling and got something to eat and depart.

I arrived home around four o'clock. Every Thursday, my church have a 'cell group', where the churh member comes to church and divide into groups and spend time reading the bible and pray together. My group's name is the 'Apostle' group. The group members are mostly teenagers. There are about ten people in my group. The cell group will start at six thirty.
